Supervision & Teaching

Research and Teaching Supervision

I have 15 years of experience in supervising research and teaching. Since 2009, I have supervised, advised and examined over 100 MA research theses at various universities in The Netherlands (TU Delft, Utrecht, Erasmus University Rotterdam, IHE-Delft, VU Amsterdam), Singapore (National University of Singapore) and Azerbaijan (ADA University). With some of these former students, I have co-authors peer-reviewed publications (see my profiles for research).

I have worked with and guided a few dozen Research and Teaching Assistants on various research and educational projects. Some examples include working with Giulia Bisogni (research assistant) on the ODISSEI project (2021-2022), the project on analysing the OECD Water Discourses using mixed-methods, and with Mahardhika Sadjad (teaching assistant) on the MA course “Interpretive Research and Discourse Analysis” in 2022-2023. In a collaborative project with Daniele Rossi Doria, Birendra Singh and Peter Knorringa under the Research Innovation Facility of International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-RIF), I co-supervised and guided Daniele and Birendra in their research on water scarcity and social innovation in Morocco and India (2021-2023).

PhD Students

I currently serve on doctoral committees of 3 Ph.D. students — Ms. Ilaha Abasli with Professor Peter Knorringa, Ms. Beatriz Campillo with Professor Des Gasper and Mr. Julian Naranjo, also with Professor Wendy Harcourt. I worked with Professor Martin de Jong and Professor Michael Faure in supervision of Jiejing Shi, who stopped her dissertation. In addition, I worked with Professor Martin de Jong and Professor Jurian Edelenbos in supervision of Ms. Zhao Run and with Professor Wendy Harcourt in supervision of Ms. Fatema Baheranwala.

I have formally examined 4 Ph.D. dissertations — of Ms. Salomey Afrifa and Ms. Renata Cavalcanti Muniz (internally at ISS-EUR) at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Ms. Irna Hofman (externally) at Leiden University and Ms. Ellen Minkman (externally) at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Nota Bene: I am interested in supervising Ph.D. students working on one of the themes outlined under my Research. Please, get in touch if you have funding for your research and look for a suitable supervisor or would like to visit as a visiting Ph.D. researcher.

Teaching Experience

Erasmus University Rotterdam, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Discourse Analysis and Interpretive Research (MA)

Development Policies and Practices (MA)

Policy Analysis and Design (MA)

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Socio-economic Processes, 1st year students of Global Sustainability Science (November 2017 – February 2018) (BA)

Politics of the Earth, 1st year students of Global Sustainability Science (February 2017 –April 2017) (BA)

ADA University, Azerbaijan

Global Environmental Political Economy (Spring 2015, BA)

Research Methods (repeated)

Sustainable Development (repeated)

World and Azerbaijani Geography (Spring 2014, 3 sections, BA)

Ethics in Public Affairs (Spring 2016, MA)

Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation (Spring 2015, MA)

Global Environmental Governance (Spring 2015, MA)

Introduction to Public Policy (Fall 2014, MA)

FHR Suriname, Joint Master in Public Administration Programme with ISS

“Governance, State and Society” in the Master of Public Administration programme at FHR Institute in Paramaribo, Suriname, February 2021, Paramaribo, Suriname (online)

“Governance, State and Society” in the Master of Public Administration programme at FHR Institute in Paramaribo, Suriname, 01-12 July, 2019, Paramaribo, Suriname

Tbilisi State University, Georgia (Adjunct Professor in Spring 2014)

Policy Analysis and Sustainable Development, Tbilisi State University, Institute for European Studies, (January 20 – 26, 2014, MA)

Central European University, Hungary

Water Resources Management and Geographic Information Systems (2005/2006), TA for MSc. in Environmental Science and Policy

Teaching Certificates/Credentials

-University Teaching Qualifications Training Course, Erasmus University Rotterdam, RISBO (2019-2020)

-Start to Teach Training, Utrecht University, September 2018

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